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Start by choosing the age of your child. If you have multiple children and are looking for a single program for the whole family, choose the Families option:
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Online Classes
We've been teaching writing online since before it was cool—23 years!
Here’s why a class will work for you:

- Over 30,000 students have studied with us from 191 countries!
- Instructors: published authors & alternative educators
- Classes for you and your kids, 5 to 18 years old
- Classes are 3-6 weeks long. Choose what works for you!
- Log in on your own schedule
- A huge variety for your kids: Essay Writing, Movie Discussion Club, Nature Journaling, Songwriting, History Writing Lab, and Science Writing Projects to name a few
- One of a kind parent classes teach you how to coach your young writers
- Our classes support multiple educational methods including Charlotte Mason, Classical, Montessori, Waldorf, and Unschooling
- No secret add-on costs. No special software, books, or video.
- Grades and transcripts issued for high school classes
Classes enroll and run on a rolling basis. We have new classes starting every Monday. Read more about how our online class program works.