It's 1899 in NEWSIES: THE BROADWAY MUSICAL. Kids work for pennies to bring money home to their families. Desperately poor folks work long hours in abominable conditions to make a meager living. In this true story about a hugely successful "strike" by the newsboys of New York City, Jack Kelly leads the fight for fair treatment and fair wages against a pillar of the news publishing establishment: Joseph Pulitzer. The tycoon literally wants to squeeze every dime from the sale of his "papes." And it has been OK with the struggling kids until they're finally pushed too far. When Pulitzer demands the boys pay more for their supply of newspapers, Jack Kelly unites the boys. They'll strike and refuse to sell the papers until their wages are restored. Pulitzer pushes back with an unsuccessful attempt to destroy the collection of protestors -- the union. With Katherine, a vivacious but surprising reporter as their ally, Jack and his buddies stand firm, bring Pulitzer and his cronies to their knees, and win big for everyone. - Common Sense Media