Should you be a river, I'll race your rapids downstream. Should you be a seed, I'll dream you a vision of towering trees. This personally inspired poem by an award-winning author and artist celebrates the trials and triumphs of unconditional love.
Using an innovative mix of cut paper, photographs, and calligraphy, Should You Be a River takes the reader on a breathtaking visual journey.
This book is a gift to treasure and share with loved ones of every age. How many ways can you say "I love you"?
The Quill is a monthly digital product that features early-literacy activities in reading, writing, and math. It's geared toward children ages 5–7 (kids learning to handwrite and in the early stages of reading) and is an indispensable tool for providing children with a strong foundation in multiple literacies.
This handbook contains the following features:
Six activities: two each in reading, writing, and math
A note about the theme and the skills it builds
Book suggestions
Activity highlight boxes filled with background knowledge for the teaching adult
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