Nature Table

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Set the Table

Have the kids bring in the rocks, leaves, seed pods, pine cones, shells, gourds, bones, snake skins, sand, and feathers they find on their walks, and make space so they can arrange them on a table, shelf, or dresser top.

That makes a nature table!

In case your kids want to look closer, place some of these tools on or near the table:

  • Magnifying glass
  • Field guides
  • Sketchbook and pencils

Education with Nature Tables

Nature tables are common in quite a few approaches to education. You can adopt a particular style or mix and match.

How to Create a Nature Table

Elizabeth des Roches gives great tips for creating your own nature table - with photos. Hers is Waldorf-inspired; yours can be your own.

Don't forget social media for more inspiration:

Remember some natural items are best left in their environment, and parks may have laws restricting collecting things. Help your children learn respect for the natural world.

Nature Tables to Fit Your Family

Embrace the versatility and creativity inherent in nature tables. Below are ideas to fit different families.

Nature Table Tips

  • Nature tables are noticed and used most when easily viewed and/or at child level.
    • Consider choking hazards. For safer nature tables with babies in the house, display treasures on a dresser top or on a shelf in a bookcase.
  • Change your nature table with "new finds" or with the seasons.
  • Give your kids a lot of ownership in arranging the nature table.
  • Nature tables can evolve over time. You can start with a few items.

Keep it Simple

While nature tables can be crafty or involved or artistic, they can also be sticks and moss on a piece of tree bark. You don't have to make them "a production."

They can be beautiful, but they can also inspire wonder and connection to the natural world when they are simple.

We’d love to see your family's nature table! Feel free to share yours—including pictures— in our community forum. If you post them on Instagram, use the hashtag #bravelearnerhome so we’ll be sure to see them!

Posted October 1st, 2018
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