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Freewriting Frenzy: Help your kids fall in love with writing!

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Writing voice and academic skill do go hand-in-hand!

Ends tears, blank stares, and weak output!

Discover the secret to original, skillful writing!

  • Free your children to write in one easy step.
  • Harness their natural enthusiasm for communication.
  • Channel their speech into writing without threats or pleading.
  • Be the homeschooling parent you aspire to be.
  • Cultivate realistic, healthy growth in your young writers.

Academic skill begins by cultivating your child's writing voice.

Take the plunge and learn how to guide your child's writing growth without damaging your relationship! Master the principles that lead to quality writing experiences for both parent and child. Order The Writer's Jungle now, the home study course that has freed thousands of families.

Free your young writers: Buy The Writer's Jungle!

Introducing the Secret Weapon that Changes How Your Children View Writing Forever.

There's a magic tool that works just about every time with blocked and resistant writers. It works with natural writers too! It's the kind of tool that helps your child go from stiff, tense, anxious writing to relaxed exploration.

Brave Writer advocates a practice called "freewriting" which changes how your children will experience writing for the rest of their lives. That's right: your children will experience freedom when they write, rather than the anxiety of needing to "get it all right" as quickly as possible.

Freewriting is the practice of exploring a child's thoughts in writing while deliberately not paying attention to the mechanics during the early writing phase.

Freewriting Changes How Children Feel about Writing

  1. Freewriting stops the tears, frustration, and pressure associated with writing.
  2. Freewriting takes the pressure off of you.
  3. Freewriting keeps writing sessions short and productive!
  4. Freewriting mirrors how you naturally taught your children to become fluent English speakers!

Freewriting creates the powerful, insightful drafts used in expository and academic writing later!

Learn about freewriting in The Writer's Jungle!

The Writer's Jungle teaches you everything you need to know about freewriting and how a natural strategy for growth in writing leads to academic writing success.

The Writer's Jungle is written to you, the homeschooling parent, so that you will be equipped to be the writing coach and ally your child needs to thrive in writing. In it, you will find strategies that teach your child writing skills, so that any writing assignment can be tackled with confidence and competence.

In The Writer's Jungle you'll find practices that help to foster accuracy in mechanics as well as tools to help expand your child's insights, vocabulary, and writing depth. You'll understand your role in that process, so that you aren't afraid to involve yourself thoroughly but also don't make the mistake of taking over for your child.

You'll also learn about the natural stages of growth in writing, rather than depending on scope and sequence or grade level. I'll show you exactly how to interact with your child to foster maximum freedom while also attending to the nuances of academic preparation.

In The Writer's Jungle, you'll learn:

  • The six well-known writing myths that interfere with your child's ability to write.
  • What to say if your child cries or "hates writing."
  • How to foster a vibrant language arts environment.
  • What to do about those pesky mechanics without breaking your child's spirit.
  • How to deepen and expand your child's freewriting into textured, rich final writing products.
  • How to identify a dumb writing assignment and what to do about it.
  • The Ten Writing Elements that are critical to the craft of writing.
  • How to turn the "Dreaded Elementary School Report" into a joy instead of drudgery.
  • The Six Natural Stages of Growth in Writing with practical writing ideas for each stage of development.

The Writer's Jungle is the key tool you'll use again and again to create a brand new writing environment in your family. I am a homeschool mom, who home educated my five kids for 17 years. I know what you've been through. In Brave Writer, I've worked with thousands of families.

These strategies will transform your home from a warzone around writing to a peaceful productive context for writing progress.

Purchase The Writer's Jungle now!

Julie Bogart