Nature Nurture
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Nature Nurture

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This month focuses on nurturing an awareness of and engaging with nature in our families. Let's get outside and bring some elements of the natural world into our homes.

Regardless of where we live, there are aspects of nature we can notice, learn about, and enjoy. Join us in trying three simple practices loved by many homeschoolers and connect multiple subjects through this One Thing.

  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Art
  • Physical Education
  • Natural Sciences
  • and more!

Print a Continent of Learning and watch the subject connections grow..

Snag Your Badge!

Try a challenge or three and grab the Nature Nurture badge! Click on your profile in the top right corner, select badges, and click on the corresponding badge once you’ve completed the challenge. (Remember, this is a buffet of choices; you decide what complete means in your family.)

Share and Inspire!

We’d love to hear about your family's exploration of this month’s One Thing! Feel free to share your experience—including pictures— in our community forum. If you post them on Instagram, tag us at @bravelearnerhome so we’ll be sure to see them!

The creatures of the sea, land, and sky extend their welcome; let's head out!
