Jump in! The water's fine!

Does your child

  • resist even the most simple writing tasks?
  • have big feelings needing an outlet? 
  • feel frustrated by limiting formats?
  • enjoy collecting story ideas, fun facts, or making lists?

Maybe your kids have expressed an interest in journaling but aren't sure how to begin. 

Now is their chance to be inspired and to begin with a great foundation in a skill that will serve them the rest of their lives!

Class Overview

Made With You in Mind

Introduce your child to a practice that can lead to a life-long love affair with language and writing. 

Here’s a space for your student to find their writing voice freely, without pressure or criticism. We give them a creative way to capture their experiences vividly.

Personal journals take many forms and they are enjoyable to explore! 

Popular journaling styles include: 

  • commonplace books
  • art journals
  • gratitude journals
  • one sentence journals
  • collections of quotations
  • the tried-and-true daily record of one's activities

The writing coach serves as the tour guide through this world of journaling. We offer fresh ideas and inspiration each week in order to provide support when it feels like there's nothing to say, and gentle accountability that celebrates the completed journaling tasks.

This class is perfect for middle school, junior high, high school, and beyond! It would make a great first independent online class for middle schoolers to start a new journaling habit!

Week by Week

Week One

Students begin with keen observation of their environment and create a pattern of journaling by setting a series of small, attainable goals.

Week Two

The focus this week is on visual impact with words using shape writing and handwriting styles that project mood onto the page.

Week Three

Students deepen self-reflection and thinking by creating brief and artful memoirs.

Week Four

The journal moves into three dimensions this week with mixed media. Students close class with ideas how to overcome obstacles to continuing their journaling practice.

Registration Details

Join Us!

$199 per student
Recommended Ages:

11 - 18

Class Size:
25 students
Class Length:
4 weeks
Class Type:
  • High School
  • Middle School

Select from the available class dates below to register for that session:

Lucy Olson   Session Full

Word on the Street

I love journaling now! I feel it's helped me grow as a writer, and I think this is something I can (will) do for the rest of my life!

Maisie, 13

Journaling has helped a bunch with getting in touch with the way I think, process, and feel.

Isobel, 15

The most interesting things that I observed over the last time period was that I could reflect and wind down or sometimes wind up to the day. It also helped me think better because I could let all of my thoughts go into my journal and focus on one thing later.

Ben, 11

Before I started this class, I was actually a little scared of the thought of journaling. But once I actually tried it, I saw that what happened to me was the opposite. It felt really good to let my thoughts run on the page. 

Clarissa, 12

More Information

Sample class login

Want to see how our classroom works? Test drive a sample class complete with real class readings, assignments, and instructor comments!

Follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to class.bravewriter.com. If you are a current student, you’ll need to log out in the upper right corner before proceeding.
  2. Log in using these credentials:
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: Brave1
  3. Next, you will land on our Family Dashboard. You'll find a Parent icon and a Student icon to represent classes where the parent or the student is the primary participant. Click on Parent to view parent participation classes. To find classes with direct student-instructor interaction, click on Student.
  4. Click on the class name of interest and start reading posts!
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