Looking to engage your kids in history in a new way?

Does your child have very specific likes and dislikes?

Can your child recite the names and features of every Nintendo system, American Girl doll, or item in the family fish tank?

In true Brave Writer® fashion, we’ve created a class to plug into what delights your kids and call it “school”!

This class will knock TWO subjects off your checklist: history and writing. 

Trademark Brave Writer® enchantment will get your kids seeing these subjects in a whole new light.

Class Overview

Made With You in Mind

In Middle School Writing: History Projects, we’ll look at the history of one of your child’s favorite things. 

Everything can be traced back to its invention—an idea that entices students this age.

We ask them: Where does that object come from? How did it get here? What’s the way we use it now, as opposed to ten years ago? Who started this craze?

We dig. We excavate. We explore!

Some of the benefits of this class include:

  • Repeat potential. Students learn the steps involved in an investigative history project. You can repeat the process again at home with a different topic!
  • Personal point of entry. We aim for the subject that appeals to your child. We don’t squash enthusiasm with boring topics and restrictive formats. 
  • Research skill building. This class gives students a chance to join the academic adventure by doing research using sources real historians use. We also introduce the idea of citing sources.
  • Traditional elements, the Brave Writer® way. We provide a non-intimidating introduction to academic conventions like planning, revising, editing, and formats.

Is it time for a blast from the past?

Week by Week

Week One

The Story of History Students set the stage for thinking about history, noting the interplay of personal experience and the larger topic of history.

Week Two

The Story of an Invention Students do research on an invention of their choice, honing digital search skills as they sift through information online to find varied, credible sources.

Week Three

How Did We Get Here? Students situate their invention in the context of people and events surrounding it. They determine causal relationships and positive/negative impact of events leading up to the invention.

Week Four

Timeline time! This is the week when the hard work pays off. Students draft, revise, and edit their final project, the invention timeline. 

Registration Details

Join Us!

$199 per student
Recommended Ages:

9 - 14

Class Size:
25 students
Class Length:
4 weeks
Class Type:
  • Middle School
  • Upper Elementary

Select from the available class dates below to register for that session:

Kimberly Misra   Register

Word on the Street

I really liked how we compared things, like how roller skates are similar to skateboards. I liked how we cited sources and how you helped us find good, reliable sources.

Ava, 11

Although this class is ending, I think that this project is just beginning! I hope to do much more with this information. I hope that everyone else enjoyed this class as much as I did! 

Sophie, 12

The part of the class I thought was most helpful was the research. I wouldn't have known all about cell phones if it wasn't for the research part. It also made the class really fun by getting to choose what I wanted to do.

Henry, 12

My teacher's friendly feedback encouraged me and made me smile.

Gina, 11

More Information

Sample class login

Want to see how our classroom works? Test drive a sample class complete with real class readings, assignments, and instructor comments!

Follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to class.bravewriter.com. If you are a current student, you’ll need to log out in the upper right corner before proceeding.
  2. Log in using these credentials:
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: Brave1
  3. Next, you will land on our Family Dashboard. You'll find a Parent icon and a Student icon to represent classes where the parent or the student is the primary participant. Click on Parent to view parent participation classes. To find classes with direct student-instructor interaction, click on Student.
  4. Click on the class name of interest and start reading posts!
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