Brave Writer

High School Writing: Current Events offers students the chance to research and present an editorial writing piece using a visual format. Student select a current events topic to engage in research as they process their own thinking on a controversial question related to that topic. 

Part of this work involves examining multiple perspectives and biases present in the research. Students support their answer to the question posed early in class with expert support gleaned from credible sources. To present their information, students create a visual presentation (a narrated slideshow or filmed video).

This class matches critical thinking and discriminatory skills with the type of oral presentation common in college classrooms. 


Week One

Class begins with developing a news reading habit as students explore topics that might make an interesting question to answer with an editorial.

Week Two

Students employ critical thinking to determine the biases both authors and readers bring to any piece of writing. This discerning eye will help them gravitate to credible sources as they research and freewrite about their question.

Week Three

This week is devoted to expansion of freewrites, reorganizing ideas, and returning to research, until students have a rough draft of their editorial.

Week Four

After a final polish for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, students drop their editorial into the visually-based presentation of their choice. They’ll design their presentation for maximum impact and engagement.

Common Core and Academic Standards Support

What follows is a word bank and set of skills associated with this class. Use them to craft your own learning narrative for use in year-end evaluations, charter school reports, or any other accountability source.

Word Bank

  • Argument
  • Bias
  • Citations
  • Counterargument
  • Editing
  • Editorial writing
  • Expert sources
  • Insight and interpretation
  • Journalistic writing
  • Multimedia writing
  • Multiple perspectives
  • Opening hook
  • Persuasive techniques
  • Revision
  • Research

Core Skills

  • Analyze source texts and apply critical thinking
  • Argue with support for a particular thesis
  • Choose a topic geared toward point-driven writing
  • Cite credible evidence to support conclusions
  • Craft a thesis statement and support it with evidence
  • Edit writing for standard English usage
  • Maintain distinct writer’s voice
  • Outline and Organize research information from multiple sources
  • Revise writing for clarity, flow, order, interest, and economy of language
  • Utilize correct citation and format guidelines following MLA style
  • Utilize persuasive techniques to convince the reader
  • Write detailed, organized, structured original narratives