
Once more unto the breach, dear friends…

To be, or not to be…

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears…

Parting is such sweet sorrow…

Your kids:

Um, what does that even mean?

This hands-on workshop class is an ideal choice for families unfamiliar with Shakespeare's life and works or who feel daunted by the Bard! 

Class Overview

Made With You in Mind

The Shakespeare Family Workshop is aimed at a younger audience. [High school students should enroll in Analyzing Lit: Shakespeare!] This hands-on four-week workshop is great for all kinds of learners. 

The class will include:

  • craft projects
  • group learning/research
  • online resources
  • discussion
  • creative writing
  • video recommendations

The family workshop provides a multi-sensory approach to the study of Shakespeare and his works. A few informal writing assignments will be provided for families to do together or separately.

In this course, we'll learn about:

  • The Elizabethan Theatre scene
  • Shakespeare's life and times
  • The Bard's poems and plays
  • Will's unique writing style and place in English literature

What's a Family Class?

Shakespeare Family Workshop is what we call a "Family Class." Your children are enrolled in the class and will be the ones doing the activities. The adult at home interacts with the instructor directly in the classroom, posting student writing and asking questions on how best to facilitate writing. We'll guide you on how to partner with your particular writers and grow your skills as a writing coach!

Independent teens (13-14 years old) who are ready to read the material and engage in writing activities on their own are welcome to post separately in class.

Enroll the entire family in this class for one affordable price and discover a fresh lens on this classic material.

Week by Week

Week One

Families embark on the adventure by zooming in on what makes Shakespeare shine most brightly: his use of impactful (even innovative!) language. Participants jump into study with a fun language-learning challenge of their choice.

Week Two

From Malvolio to Romeo to Titania to Hamlet, Shakespeare’s characters are known and re-imagined in countless adaptations. Students do a deep dive on a Shakespearean character this week with a choice of hands-on, age-appropriate activities.

Week Three

No stranger to the shipwreck, duel, regicide, or all-out war, Shakespeare’s plot lines are designed to keep theatergoers engaged. Participants engage in some plot analysis this week as they break down a Shakespearean scene.

Week Four

Class wraps to an end with consideration of Shakespearean settings. Participants explore his most important setting—the stage itself. Students leave class with a crafted setting that will form a treasured part of the school portfolio.

Registration Details

Join Us!

$229.00 per family
Recommended Ages:

7 - 14

Class Size:
25 families
Class Length:
4 weeks
Class Type:
  • Family

Select from the available class dates below to register for that session:

Susanne Barrett   Register

Word on the Street

I appreciate that I could do as much or as little as fits my family. That has been invaluable to me. It has kept the class exciting and fun for all because I didn't feel like I needed to push past the interest point.


The greatest gift of this class for my boys was instilling them with confidence to study Shakespeare.  The greatest gift for me was to further my understanding of what it means to partner with them.


My kids have realized that Shakespeare can be interesting and fun, especially when you get to experience Shakespeare's plays either as actual plays or the movie versions. Those really help his work come alive.


I would absolutely recommend this class widely. Like the other family classes, I really like how the children (and parents) have the opportunities to encounter the subject where they are and grow from there.


More Information

Sample class login

Want to see how our classroom works? Test drive a sample class complete with real class readings, assignments, and instructor comments!

Follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to If you are a current student, you’ll need to log out in the upper right corner before proceeding.
  2. Log in using these credentials:
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: Brave1
  3. Next, you will land on our Family Dashboard. You'll find a Parent icon and a Student icon to represent classes where the parent or the student is the primary participant. Click on Parent to view parent participation classes. To find classes with direct student-instructor interaction, click on Student.
  4. Click on the class name of interest and start reading posts!
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