Got a kid who has seen every Avengers movie? 

One who devoured the Percy Jackson series? 

A student who plays D&D or loves mythic folklore?

We have the perfect writing experience lined up for your child: Writing a Greek Myth!

Myths set the stage for EPIC storytelling! 

Create a modern god who rules over today's world or a story of your own devising. This appeals to all lovers of folklore and fantasy worlds!

Class Overview

Made With You in Mind

We start by exploring the essential themes in a traditional Greek myth, then students have a chance to create their own!

Greek myths are a fantastic entry point to writing because

  • Myths come pre-loaded with fun, outlandish possibilities
  • Familiar characters and settings provide helpful scaffolding
  • This genre is naturally appealing to this age group  
  • Anything goes in the land of the Gods!

Here’s what a lot of parents don’t realize: fiction writing feeds directly into academic writing.  Students will:

  • Work directly with a Brave Writer® instructor
  • Learn to consider guidelines related to format
  • Seek relevant information through research
  • Practice novel approaches to generating writing
  • Make connections between ideas
  • Experience invention, research, drafting, revising, and sharing

They will need each of those skills in high school and college. By Zeus, the transfer of skills is everywhere!

Make BOTH of you happy by learning through something your kids love! 

Grab some myths!

Students will read selected myths from D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths (purchase or borrow your own copy) and then will be guided to identify the key literary elements common to these compelling stories.

At Brave Writer®, we read a range of books that address a wide variety of perspectives and include time-bound references. Please be aware that you may experience strong reactions to what you read. By using literature as a teaching tool to foster understanding and growth, we have the opportunity to discuss these evolving ideologies.

We encourage you to pre-read books to determine their appropriateness for your family and to prepare to have discussions on these topics with your students as they participate in the class.

Week by Week

Week One

Students examine how the Greeks used myth tales to explain the mysteries of nature. They’ll use that study to craft an explanatory tale in the Greek style. 

Week Two

Students study a myth to uncover patterns of vivid character description.  Using those character description elements, students create an original conflict story featuring the gods.

Week Three

This week, students look at Greek hero stories and the structure of the hero’s journey. Students finish the week drafting their final project, a twisted Greek myth. 

Week Four

The week for the final revision and editing polish. Students leave class with a compelling original myth story. 

Registration Details

Join Us!

$199.00 per student
Recommended Ages:

9 - 14

Class Size:
25 students
Class Length:
4 weeks
Class Type:
  • Middle School
  • Upper Elementary

Select from the available class dates below to register for that session:

Kendra Price   Session Full

Word on the Street

I love Greek and Roman mythology. Now I can think of all the gods and goddesses and write a story in my head. Then I can tell it around the campfire or even at a sleepover. My friends would love to take this class and I can't wait to tell them about it.

Grace, 10

I found this class helped me understand more of what makes a myth so interesting, and how I can use certain angles of mythical writing to improve my own writing.

Penny, 14

This class helped me grow as a writer: I used to only be able to write a paragraph long story (and they weren't very good) and now thanks to this class I have written a one and half page story (that I think was pretty good).

Elliott, 11

This class has been really great for me. There was never a time where I didn't get very detailed feedback on my work. Thank you so much!

Samira, 13

More Information

Sample class login

Want to see how our classroom works? Test drive a sample class complete with real class readings, assignments, and instructor comments!

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  1. Navigate to If you are a current student, you’ll need to log out in the upper right corner before proceeding.
  2. Log in using these credentials:
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: Brave1
  3. Next, you will land on our Family Dashboard. You'll find a Parent icon and a Student icon to represent classes where the parent or the student is the primary participant. Click on Parent to view parent participation classes. To find classes with direct student-instructor interaction, click on Student.
  4. Click on the class name of interest and start reading posts!
How Our Classes Work Download a class summary
Recommended materials for this class
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths
Other options in Middle School
Other options in Upper Elementary