Home Study Courses
Learning to Write At Home
Brave Writer offers programs that address writing in three ways:
- Original Thought (the mind life of the writer)
- Writing Mechanics learned through Literature (spelling, punctuation, grammar, literary devices)
- Writing Projects (assignments that are developmentally appropriate for the writer)
Our Home Study Courses focus on "Original Thought" and "Writing Projects"—how to grow the writer's writing process as well as how to put those thoughts into writing forms.
Growing Brave Writers is the key program that teaches how to coach your kids in the writing process. it instructs you, the parent, in how to provide the right processes and skills to grow the writer's original thoughts and then how to get those into writing.
Help for High School provides a similar experience for the high school level. It is designed to teach teens how to generate insight and think critically, as well as how to write the expository essay (for high school and college).
Jot It Down! offers 10 writing projects and is designed for pre-writers and pre-readers—learning how to self-express for writing while having a parent transcribe for the child.
Partnership Writing also has 10 writing projects (one per month of the school year) and is designed to build writing assignments as a team (parent and child together).
Building Confidence is for junior high and includes 12 writing projects. This is the program that is designed for the transition from an early writing life to the academic writing needed in high school.
Each program can be used for multiple years, as they include processes and projects that can be done many times (simply change the topics). If you have children of multiple ages, aim for the middle. Pick a program that targets your middle child and then modify the requirements up or down for the older and younger kids.