One warm summer evening, a lonely praying mantis named Manuelo listens to the music of an outdoor concert. Manuelo wishes that he, too, could make music like the crickets and the katydids. But the instruments he makes don't play. Then Manuelo meets someone who shows him how to fashion a cello using a walnut shell, a stick, and a special ingredient. Manuelo makes his first true friend and, together, they create the music they both love.
The Quill is a monthly digital product that features early-literacy activities in reading, writing, and math. It's geared toward children ages 5–7 (kids learning to handwrite and in the early stages of reading) and is an indispensable tool for providing children with a strong foundation in multiple literacies.
This handbook contains the following features:
Six activities: two each in reading, writing, and math
A note about the theme and the skills it builds
Book suggestions
Activity highlight boxes filled with background knowledge for the teaching adult
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