When parents say they have a child who is terrible at writing, it’s hard to know what they mean.
- Does the child freeze when faced with a blank page?
- Is the child unskilled at spelling or punctuation?
- Or is the parent worried that the child isn’t writing a 5-paragraph essay yet?
The word “writing” could mean any of these skills, which grow at different rates. In Brave Writer, we divide writing into three categories and design products and classes accordingly.
- Original Thought (grown through the writing process)
- Mechanics (taught through literature)
- Writing Projects (assignments that combine mechanics and original thought)
Think of writing as three interlocking puzzle pieces to create writing proficiency. Our products are tagged with the piece of the puzzle it addresses.

Original Thought
Each of us is born a writer. Once you can externalize language (talk!), someone can jot down your words for you and turn you into a writer. Baby’s first words that go into the baby book? Voila! Published writer. Brave Writer teaches parents how to be partners to their children so that a child’s sophisticated verbal language continues to grow even while a child’s spelling and punctuation skills lag behind. We use processes to help children grow as thinkers, and therefore, writers.
Example Products & Classes

Growing Brave Writers
Growing Brave Writers is the essential training you need to be the effective writing coach your children deserve. While other programs focus on what to write, Growing Brave Writers teaches children how to write. End writer's block!
(ages 8-18)

Help for High School
Help for High School is a self-directed writing program for teens that prepares them for college writing. It teaches critical thinking as well as the expository essay (persuasive and exploratory). Models and criteria for feedback included. If you have older students who haven't learned the essay, start here.
(ages 13-14)

Mechanics and Literature
Handwriting, spelling, punctuation, and craft grow through reading great literature, copying some of it in your own hand, and then attempting to handwrite it correctly while listening to someone read the passage aloud. Copywork and dictation practice are strategies for mastering the mechanics of writing, using quotations from quality literature.
Example Products & Classes

The Dart uses living literature to teach the mechanics of writing. Spelling, punctuation, grammar, and literary devices delivered through powerful, engaging books! Comprehension questions and book club party ideas are included.
(ages 8-10)

The Arrow uses living literature to teach the mechanics of writing. Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and literary devices taught through powerful, engaging books! Comprehension questions and book club party ideas included!
(ages 11-12)

The Boomerang is a literature program for teens. Ten monthly handbooks paired with literature teach literary analysis, punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, and literary devices. Comprehension questions and book club party ideas are included.
(ages 13-14)

Groovy Grammar Workshop
The Family Writing: Groovy Grammar Workshop empowers families to implement a natural approach to teaching grammar. This workshop stands the whole concept of grammar on its head. Rather than studying terminology and dissecting sentences, students are encouraged to play with language, to explore how words bump up against each other and generate meaning. Pay one price to enroll the whole family (parents and kids ages 9-14).

Writing Projects
The writing puzzle is complete when a child combines their current level of skill in mechanics with their original thoughts and produces a writing assignment—what we call a “writing project.” For instance, a child may narrate a fairytale that the parent jots down at age five, handwrite a thank you card at age nine, type a report at age 12, or write an expository essay at age 15. Brave Writer designs writing projects to match the child’s natural stage of growth in writing.
Example Products & Classes

Jot it Down
Jot It Down! provides ten month-long writing projects such as, letters, fairytale narrations, posters, mini-books, lists, writing about numbers, and body art. Guidance for poetry recitation, word play, nature study, art appreciation, music, and movies included.
(ages 5-7)

Partnership Writing
The Partnership Writing offers ten writing activities that can be enjoyed by the widest range of ages. Young kids (under 8) can be supported in completing the assignments, while older kids (over 10) can do them with more independence. Guidance for poetry, movies, music, oral reports, and more also included. Truly a magical program!
(ages 8-10)

Building Confidence
The Building Confidence program prepares junior high kids for high school writing. It provides 12 writing projects (one per month) that are engaging, fun, and academically sound. Guidance for oral reports, recitation, movies, poetry, nature study, writing fiction, and more included.
(ages 11-12)

Help for High School
Help for High School is a self-directed writing program for teens that prepares them for college writing. It teaches critical thinking as well as the expository essay (persuasive and exploratory). Models and criteria for feedback included. If you have older students who haven't learned the essay, start here.
(ages 13-14)

Go Wild
Write for Fun: Go Wild gives kids a chance to enjoy writing—a 3-week romp through creative writing that focuses on content over mechanics. Perfect for kids 9-14.

Nonfiction Projects
Middle School Writing: Nonfiction Projects allows kids to show off their expertise on any given school subject or passion in a project of their choice. Perfect for junior high.

Writing a Greek Myth
Writing a Greek Myth gives kids obsessed with mythology and Rick Riordan the chance to write their own mythological adventures. One of our most popular classes for kids 9-14.