In The Merchant of Venice, the path to marriage is hazardous. To win Portia, Bassanio must pass a test prescribed by her father’s will, choosing correctly among three caskets or chests. If he fails, he may never marry at all.
Bassanio and Portia also face a magnificent villain, the moneylender Shylock. In creating Shylock, Shakespeare seems to have shared in a widespread prejudice against Jews. Shylock would have been regarded as a villain because he was a Jew. Yet he gives such powerful expression to his alienation due to the hatred around him that, in many productions, he emerges as the hero. - Amazon
Each play featured in this popular series is presented with Shakespeare's original lines on each left-hand page and a modern, easy-to-understand "translation" on the facing right-hand page. All dramas are complete, with every original Shakespearian line, and a full-length modern rendition of the text. These invaluable teaching-study guides also include:
1. Helpful background information that puts each play in its historical perspective.
2. Discussion questions that teachers can use to spark student class participation, and which students can use as springboards for their own themes and term papers.
3. Fact quizzes, sample examinations, and other features that improve student comprehension of what each play is about.
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