Where do poems come from? This beautiful picture book about a young aspiring poet and his grandfather shows that the answer lies all around us--if we take the time to look.
After Kiyoshi watches his grandfather, Eto, compose his delicate haiku, he wonders out loud: "Where do poems come from?" His grandfather answers by taking him on a walk through their city, where they see a cat perched on a hill of oranges; hear the fluttering of wings; imagine what's behind a tall wall; and discuss their walk, with each incident inspiring a wonderful new haiku from Eto. As Kiyoshi discovers that poems come from the way the world outside of us meets the world within each of us, he also finds the courage to write a haiku of his own.
This lovely book will speak to any reader who treasures poetry, city life, grandparents, or the beauty of the everyday.
The Quill is a monthly digital product that features early-literacy activities in reading, writing, and math. It's geared toward children ages 5–7 (kids learning to handwrite and in the early stages of reading) and is an indispensable tool for providing children with a strong foundation in multiple literacies.
This handbook contains the following features:
Six activities: two each in reading, writing, and math
A note about the theme and the skills it builds
Book suggestions
Activity highlight boxes filled with background knowledge for the teaching adult
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